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Car Comparison

There are many great Electric Vehicles to choose from, it can be hard to know their true capabilities.
This is our comparison, driven by data from A Better Routeplanner.

The road trip values shown are computed on a hypothetical road trip of 600mi at an average speed of 70mph and a minimum leg length of 90mi (to model real-world charger spacing). Where a given car cannot reach 90 miles between chargers, a 10% to 80% charge is used instead. No maximum leg length is used, if your car can skip chargers - great! Planned values will differ depending on the route, weather, elevation, and other settings not modeled in this example.

Ideal Charge Time is the time spent charging on each leg of the trip.
Ideal Drive Time is the time spent driving on each leg of the trip.
Trip Ratio shows the split between these two visually.

Driving and Charging

Model Range at 65mph (mi) Ideal Charge Time Ideal Drive Time Stops Total Trip Time Trip Ratio